Dear students,

In this second blog session you will have two options for your blog post. You can either write about your best holidays or the best concert you've ever been to.

Some important things you can mention in this post are:


· When it was
· Where you went
· How long it was
· People you went with
· Things / Activities you did
· Why it has been the best so far
· Any other relevant info



· When / where it was
· The artist you saw
· A bit of info about the artist
· Describe the atmosphere during the event
· Describe how you felt and why you enjoyed it
· Any other memories about it


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 170 words post (as a minimum).

As a guide, here is my version of this topic:

Not every day we have chances of relaxing in the places we always wanted to be, but it is important to remember the 'meaning of life', which is unique and as we work hard to get what we aspire, we have to have our own leisure activities as a reward.

By nature, I consider myself a traveler but only in 2014 and 2015 I had the great opportunity to travel abroad. Early in 2014, I started with this crazy idea about going to Australia for a year by myself, leaving behind my work, my family and friends but getting back life experiences and obviously improving my English.

Therefore, after a few weeks thinking about it, I finally did it and not just that, after going and working very hard in Australia, I visited the north of Chile (San Pedro de Atacama) and Bolivia (Salar de Uyuni), later on I went to Europe to visit some friends in Spain and England.

All those experiences were awesome and also were the most fulfilling things I have ever done. I learnt so many things in just one year and once I got back to Chile I felt very different, something had changed… try to guess what.



  1. I believe that traveling is the best way to know other realities and cultures. Salar the Uyuni is a mind-blowing place... About the UK, I would like to visit Wales, that place has beautiful landscapes.

  2. woow..how awesome must be to be abroad for that long...you must grow uo a lot as a person..a more open minded one

  3. I really like that idea of traveling instead of "just touring", that really increases the learning and makes the experiences even more touching. Nice Abbey Road pic by the way!

  4. I believe that speak english opens many doors. In your case allowed you to know many incredible places.
    I wish I could speak English that good!!

  5. I also love to travel, but I've heard that in Australia there are many dangerous animals, I don't know if it is true.

  6. This blog makes me remember a friends who had the dream to go to Australia to work for one or two years, but the the pandemic destroyed his preparatives :/ I hope the global situation get better in the nearly future

  7. your trip must have been very entertaining, getting to know different cultures and landscapes! I hope that when the pandemic passes you can travel again

  8. Your trip was beautiful. I think the experience you acquired was fantastic. It's really important learn about other countries and cultures and if you can go there, it's better. I hope you can have more trips like this <3

  9. Whoa! It sound amazing, I can't really imagine traveling without company, so I can just think about how brave you are!

  10. It must be great to travel to foreign countries and to soak up their culture. I still haven't had the chance to know those countries but I hope to have it soon


  11. I am glad of your travels! together with some friends we would go to San Pedro de Atacama and the Salar de Uyuni, but we could not by the Covid-19 :(.
    I hope you can keep traveling wherever you want!

  12. First of all, i really love that picture in abbey road kasjkajs, secondly, I think it was super risky and brave to make those trips, I feel a lot of admiration!

  13. The photos are great! It was a dream trip I imagine! I would love to know all those places

  14. it looks like a very interesting place to visit, you can learn a lot about its people and culture.

  15. Your experience in other countries is very interesting, it is good that you have been able to achieve those dreams and get to know other places in the world.

  16. What an enriching experience, without a doubt they are things that remain for a lifetime, I would like to visit European countries at the same time, but first you have to learn English well jaja.

  17. I think you are very brave to take that decision, maybe you didn't count with the support of your closer persons but it was the best for you...


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