LEVEL 4 / POST 3 (WEEK 4): MOVIES (Best Movie/Best Director/Best Genre).

 Dear students,

Fifth week, and this time it’s our third blog session, in which we are going to write about Movies (Best Movie/Best Director/Best Genre). 


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 180 words post (as a minimum).

As a guide, here is my version of this topic:

With the release of Memento in 2000 I was immediately a fully paid up member of the Christopher Nolan fan club. All subsequent films have been released to great fanfare and expectation from me.

Constant human themes pervade his films: our memories and indeed our memory, the workings of the human mind on how we perceive identity, uniqueness, dealing with loss and questioning what is really possible beyond the realms of what we actually believe to be possible. But for me in 2000 it was seeing a film so perfect, so twisted and so challenging that led me to fan club status. Every new film has been watched and re-watched on or close to release date, such is the anticipation of every new film released by Nolan. Aside from the well known back story to Batman, "his" trilogy and now the eagerly anticipated release of Interstellar, there are five further stories, each uniquely different, each treating the audience as grown ups, with no pandering to them with elongated exposition.


  1. Interstellar it´s one of my favourite movies...I didn´t know anything about the director and none of his other movies..I think I'll watch at least some of them

  2. I have always preferred animated movies, but now it made me want to watch Christopher Nolan movies! hahaha

  3. I didn't know that Holan had really deep movies... This year I saw his trilogy of Batman and I thought that they are the most perfect and "care" movies that I've ever seen.

  4. I really like how Nolan uses (and dosn't abuse of) the special effects, it always add somethig to the narrative. I plan to see Tenet soon, hope it's another great film.

  5. Nolan's work is full of details and are very entertaining, I really liked Inception and his Batman trilogy

  6. Interstellar is actually the only movie I saw more than once in the cinema, 3 times for be exact. It's pure gold!

  7. All of batman are good! but definitely my favorites are Interstellar and Dunkerque

  8. I have to admit that I became a fan of the superhero genre with Nolan’s Batman trilogy. He’s a very good director!

  9. When I heard Christopher Nolan's name, I always thought he was an actor jajaja, but now I know he wrote interstellar and I love that movie!

  10. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to watch Christopher Nolan movies, I think it's because I really don't like that style so much:(

  11. I think the only movie I know is Interstellar, I had to watch it twice to understand well hahaha

  12. I know some Christopher Nolan films, he has very good staging and his films are very intriguing.

  13. I really like Christopher Nolan movies, the way he tells the stories is very creative.

  14. definitely an excellent filmmaker, exploring the human mind and its limits is a very interesting topic.

  15. although I don't like all his movies its a good film director, my favorite flim is inception


  16. I don't really deal with directors, but I think I saw a movie with DiCaprio in it.

  17. I love Memento too, i had to saw it like three times. Nolan's batman trilogy is a great pice of art, incluying the actuation of Heath Ledger ...

  18. Hi, I like Christopher Nolan too, I really like psychological films like memento or inception.


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