Dear students,

Sixth week, and this time it’s our fourth blog session, in which we agreed on our blog post to write about a career related topic.

Why did you choose your current career?
Was it your first option? What was the other one?
Tell your experience at the moment.


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 200 words post (as a minimum).

As a guide, here is my version of this topic:

Career decisions are wrought in complexities. Many students start by looking at their interests, selecting a career in line with their personal affinities or aspirations. They will consider their own self-beliefs in their capacity to perform and succeed in a given career, and then factor in labour market prospects, employment, earnings, and the possibilities to progress in their chosen profession over a lifetime.

But career decisions are not only about students’ choices: they also interact with a number of public policy objectives, such as making education systems more efficient, aligning skills to the demands of the labour market, and helping improve social equity. Some countries have sought to promote certain fields or pathways over others through financial incentives or by opening access. Conversely, other fields impose highly selective admissions processes. As students are confronted with more possibilities, it is essential to ensure that they have the proper guidance to navigate through the wealth of pathways open to them. That will ease the sometimes bumpy transition from education to the labour market. 


  1. It's quite difficult to connect, in a good way, the whole spectrum of aspects to consider by choosing a career and face it as well as possible. But it is possible and necessary.

  2. I hope that chilean education improves in the future. I would like to say that we should be like Finland, or Canada, or whatever, but we aren't they and our history is different and unique...

  3. Besides it's not my case, other important factor at the moment of choosing a career it could be your family's opinion. Maybe that's not common on our faculty, but it certainly is in other areas.

  4. Just like Lucas said above, for me when I was choosing a career, the opinion of my family influenced a lot.

  5. I think sometimes people worry about making a lot of money and don't care about their happiness in what they'll do for the rest of their lives

  6. I hope everyone thought like you teacher, especially the old people who project their aspirations on their children

  7. It is not easy to decide freely what to study, there is a negative valuation of many careers, some belonging to the social sciences. I think you should fight to study what you want, in order to be happy.

  8. I think choosing a career is a very difficult thing, but I trust the vocation, and the decision of my career was totally personal.

  9. it is very important to emphasize those factors that influence the decision to choose a career, I hope that soon chile can improve in the not too distant future.

  10. It is sad how the educational system works in our country, where the main reason to choose a career is for financial stability and not for love or dedication.

  11. Very important are all the factors you considered when choosing a career. I hope that public student policies are more efficient in the future.

  12. When i had to decide what to study next, it cost me a lot select a career because i made the mistake of listening other opinions besides mine, wich finally was the more important. This others opinion was always about the class of work or salaries i would have. Finally, i decided to postulated on Social Work at the Universidad de Chile, and here im i: the first becated on my family and the first on study in the Universidad de Chile.

  13. All the factors that you write when considering what career to study are very real.


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