Dear students,

Seventh week, and this time it’s our fifth blog session, in which we are writing about our future jobs.

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- What about the salary?
- What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking? Explain why.


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 210 words post (as a minimum).

As a guide, here is my version of this topic:

I like what I do and I do what I like :)

As you probably can realize, I studied English Education for five years at University, so I am already part of the job's world.

In my personal situation, I had this job in my mind since I was a kid, I always liked to teach my friends and English was very easy to understand to me. Once I knew I had the chance of getting to higher education I didn't think it twice and immediately talked to my parents about it. I analyzed the pros and cons because I couldn't regret it, that was hard.

Today, I think I took the right decision, I love teaching and be in contact with people that need to be guided through this beautiful language. This year specially, I started working in more than one University so challenges are bigger than I thought.

I really hope I have the opportunity to keep doing what I am doing, this is a job in which you never stop learning things and people… and that is exactly what I love.

I hope all you guys feel the same with your career… being enthusiastic, grateful, lover, empathetic and respectful.


  1. I'm glad that your work makes you happy, I think it is very important in our life. Since I was a child, I've been looking for something that I really want to do every day, I have wanted many things, and today I believe that I am doing what I really want for my future.

  2. That's great..it must be awesome to have a job that give it to you the opportunity to talk with people from all over the world at the same time

  3. These days, it's so good to read that someone loves his work :( I believe that teaching is one of the most difficult things in the world. . . teachers should have greater recognition in our society.

  4. It must be great to be mind-clear and decided from childhood about what do you want to study, in my case it was a very difficult decision haha

  5. Teaching is one of the most beautiful activities for me, but it can be quite difficult from time to time. It's nice to see people with this vocation happy.

  6. I admire him for teaching, it's not something I could do naturally, especially English, that it is so hard :(

  7. I love the way you talk about teaching, it notice that you do it with vocation. I hope to feel the same after leaving college, although I admit I’m a little afraid to disenchant from the profession when I’m working.

  8. I truly admire your passion for teaching, I hope you overcome your challenges and continue to grow both personally and professionally!

  9. I believe that working in what we love and are passionate about is one of the most important things in life. Pedagogy is a profession that connects with other people in a mutual learning process.

  10. I really admire very much the learning I had with English, to me personally it costs a lot, but with effort everything can be!

  11. I like the way the lenguage can make people together, i like english and i would love to speack it better.

  12. It's nice to see that you got the chance to study and work in something you love!

  13. I hope your desire to share knowledge never ends, and I'm so glad you were able to study what you love and had the support!

  14. I think you made the right decision, you can see your vocation and the affection you have for English, it's a pleasure

  15. I'm glad you made the right decision regarding your career. I hope I can also say the same in the future

  16. Hi Teacher, is wonderful have a job that you enjoy, so was a very good decision.


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