Dear students,

12th week, and this time it’s our ninth blog session, in which you will write about some changes that you could be made to your study program (carreer)

Among others, think about:

> The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
> Workload and length of studies
> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
> Use of technology
> Teaching methods


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 250 words post (as a minimum).

When I was an English teaching training student at university, I never questioned the study programme of my career, but now, after years of experience, I have thought about all the things that could have been better. 

To begin with, I think that there should be more training in real classrooms. The professional practice should be done after one has lived what being a teacher means and that can only be achieved by experiencing the teaching environment.

Moreover, professors teach excellent methods to improve the teaching but they seldom use them. The best way to teach is by being an example. I would also like that all the English teaching training students had the chance to do one term abroad, so that they can improve their language skills and what’s more important acquire and understand the English culture, because a language is more than using different words to say something.


  1. I also think that a teacher must have as much experience teaching in a classroom as possible before getting his degree...it’s basic

  2. I totally agree. Being a teacher it's not something that you can learn just studying methods, or listening to people that's good at it.

  3. It seems to me a good idea that the English career has a semester abroad !! This would help students to improve their pronunciation and as you say, understand another culture.

  4. Studying abroad would be an excellent complement to learning about your career, I hope all careers had such a practical semester u.u

  5. I think it is an excellent idea that students and English teachers should travel abroad to practice. Also, it is essential that they can practice in the real class before entering the world of work.

  6. It happens the same to me with my career, I think a practical program it is super important to be a good professional.

  7. you can't be more right, being a professor implies much more than the curriculum of the university.

  8. That also happens in school respect to English, a lot of grammar, reading, among others is taught, but very little speaking practice, so then many of us are ashamed to speak haha

  9. The vocation in professional people is noticeable ... I agree that the best way to learn English is by putting our skills to the test...


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